Monday, May 28, 2012

Miss Florida & Miss Florida's Outstanding Teen Orientation

 On May 19th and 20th, Orientation weekend was held at the Hilton Bayfront Hotel in Downtown St. Petersburg. This was a great opportunity to meet the new contestants for the upcoming Miss Florida and Miss Florida's Outstanding Teen pageant, which will be held in July. There was a delicious luncheon that was in honor of Kristina and myself. I enjoyed speaking later that day about my reign to the contestants, parents, board, and directors. That night, there was a "Behind the Mask" party. All the girls had chosen a masquerade mask that reflected their personality or a theme. We had such a blast playing musical chairs, taking pictures, decorating shirts, eating ice cream, and dancing! Special thank you to my princess's dad, Pedro Cruz, for being our DJ at the Masquerade party. On Sunday, it was lottery day for the contestants to choose where they will be placed during the pageant. There were several vendors that are great sponsors for the Miss Florida Organization, which the titleholders could visit during their breaks. This weekend was a fabulous weekend that will help prepare the titleholders for the upcoming pageant in July.
Mary Sullivan and Kristina Janolo

My beautiful princess

Such great supporters! My princess and her family.

Yes, this is in fact a bobblehead of myself as Miss Florida's Outstanding Teen!

Sara York

"Behind the Mask"

Masquerade Party!

Our teen musical chairs winner!

Epic masks!

Dancing the night away.

Thank you Pedro for being our DJ!

Sanford's Memorial Day Parade

 On May 28th, I was in the Memorial Day Parade in Sanford. Several titleholders were in the parade with me: Laura Kirkman, Hannah Greek, Naomi Chernault, and Ashley Innis. It was such a great day to honor those Veterans who served our country.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Let's Move Together Arthritis Walk

Kristilee Ginther, Miss St. Augustine 2012
On May 12th, I started my morning off with a "Let's Move Together" Arthritis Walk with local title holders Kristilee Ginther and Alex Phillips. The walk was held around Lake Eola in Orlando. We walked as a team for Kristilee's princess, Dakota who has Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis! Arthritis is one of the most common diseases for children and there is no cure. I enjoyed watching Kristilee's princesses and Alexa Phillips twirling performances right before we started the walk! 
Kristilee Ginther and her two princesses

Dakota's twirling performance

Kristilee Ginther, her princesses, and Alexa Phillips

Walking for Arthritis!

Shriners Circus

Shriners, Megan Clementi, and my princess!
 On May 12, I attended the Shriners Circus at the UCF Arena with my princess, her family, and Megan Clementi. We had such a blast riding on an elephant, holding a snake, talking to clowns, and enjoying the show! The proceeds went to the Shriners Hospital for Children in Tampa.

Rode an elephant with Megan Clementi and Trinity!

Ah! I still can't believe I held this snake!

Words can't describe how much you mean to me!

Megan Clementi and Trinity at the Circus!

Our dads decided to match


Our lovely moms!

Enjoying the show with Trinity :)

Ft. Lauderdale Ronald McDonald Visit & the day at Ann Marie's!

 On May 5th, I visited the Ft. Lauderdale Ronald McDonald House. I brought items from their Wish List and had a tour!
Wish List items: Paper cups, forks, plates, toothpaste, detergent, wipes, and soap!

 Then, I was off down south to Homestead, Miami! I spent the rest of my day shopping at Ann Marie's, who is a tremendous sponsor for the Miss Florida Organization, and hanging out with Mary!
Thank you Ann Marie for all you do for the Miss Florida Organization. You are amazing!

My wonderful ED Mary Sullivan. She always looks so stunning.