Friday, December 30, 2011

Shriners Christmas Party

 On Sunday, I attended the Shriners Christmas Party for the kids who have been in the Shriners Hospital. I helped serve hamburgers and hotdogs to the families while presents were distributed.
Wonderful children from Shriners Hospital

Another beautiful girl from Shriners Hospital

Bill Edwards Midtown Gala

Mayor Foster
 On Saturday, I was blessed to spend my day in St. Pete at the Bill Edwards Midtown Gala where I mingled and took pictures with the kids! The children could get their picture taken with Santa, play on the bounce houses, received presents and a bike, and was fed brunch.


Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Shriners Christmas Party

  On Sunday, I attended the Shriners Christmas Party for the kids who have been in the Shriners Hospital. I helped serve hamburgers and hotdogs to the families while presents were distributed.

Beautiful girls from the Shriners Hospital.

Such a sweet child, from Shriners Hospital!

Bill Edwards Midtown Gala

Mayor Foster and his son
 On Saturday, I was blessed to spend my day in St. Pete at the Bill Edwards Midtown Gala where I mingled and took pictures with the kids! The families that financially qualified for the event received presents and a bike, their picture taken with Santa, the option to play on the bounce houses, and were fed brunch.
Helping give out the drinks provided for the families.

Wonderful children and Miss Florida

All the presents handed to the families!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Kristina's Send-Off Party

  On Sunday, December 11, 2001, I supported Kristina Janolo at her Send-Off Party as she will make her way to the Miss America pageant in early January. The evening was filled with wonderful people, food, and singing performances by the talented Janolo family! I wish the best of luck to Kristina as she prepares for the Miss America pageant. I am positive she will wow the judges!
Samantha Janolo, Kristina's little sister.

Thank you so much David Gilbert!

My wonderful big sister, Kristina Janolo!

B.A.S.E Camp Christmas Party

 On Saturday night, December 10th, 2011, I attended the B.A.S.E Camp Christmas Party at the First United Methodist Church in Winter Park. Each kid received a bike, toys, clothes, a pillow pet, their hair and make-up done, a family picture, and dinner! I had such a fun time with the kids and the volunteers!
Thank you super heroes!

Thank you Terri for putting this Christmas Party together for the children!


Thank you Cindy for also putting this Christmas Party together for the kids!

All of the toys donated!

Thank you Paul Mitchel for doing all the families hair and make-up!

Thank you Staples for donating all of the toys for the kids! You rock!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

St. Pete Christmas Parade

Thank you so much Lynne Dalton for everything!
Savannah Gribbins
 On Saturday December 3rd, 2011, I was in the St. Pete Parade. I had the privilege of riding in a carriage and spent the morning with Lynne Dalton, many sister queens, and my family! After the parade I attended the Snow Fest held in St. Pete where I talked about my experience at the parade and Snow Fest. I also introduced the next singer, whom happened to be Miss Pinellas County's Outstanding Teen: Julann Baker. I had such a fabulous time and will surely remember this day forever!
Miss, Teens, and their princesses!

Ace, the K-9 partner of fallen Police Officer Jeffery Yaslowitz

Cinderella type of day!

Robert Danielson, Thank you so much for putting together the St. Pete Parade and allowing me to be a part of it!

My family. Merry Christmas!

Speaking at the Snow Fest about my experience at the parade & Snow Fest. I also Introduced the next singer.

Deland Christmas Parade

 On December 3rd, 2011 at 5:30 pm, I participated in the Deland Christmas Parade with Victoria Williams, Miss Daytona  Beach! This was my first night time parade. I loved all the Christmas lights and the Christmas spirit of the crowd!
Victoria Williams, Miss Daytona Beach

Night time parade!

Shriners pancake breakfast

On Sunday December 4th, 2011, I served ice cream to customers who attended the Shriners pancake breakfast in Orlando! I loved interacting with the customers and who says you can't have ice cream for breakfast?
Serving ice cream! I mean, who doesn't like ice cream in the morning?

Happy Schuur, Potentate 2011 for Shriners 

Monday, November 21, 2011

Miss UCF 2012 pageant

 This past Saturday I attended the Miss UCF 2012 pageant! I was interviewed on the red carpet and performed my talent during the pre-show. All the contestants blew me away with their talents and excellency. Congratulations to the new Miss UCF 2012: Alexa Schmidt!! I wish you the best of luck in the Miss Florida pageant in July. Special thanks to Regalia for providing the gorgeous dress for me to wear! Veronica Livesay & Chris Pombonyo truly put together an excellent pageant!
Red Carpet interview

My wonderful family

Director of Miss UCF pageant: Veronica Livesay & Miss Florida 2011:  Kristina Janolo

Performing during the pre-show.

The new Miss UCF 2012: Alexa Schmidt!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

CMN Torch Relay

 On November 12, 2011, I had the privilege of being a part of the 5K walk for the Torch Relay for the Children's Miracle Network Hospitals. This event is for participants to walk or bike ride to raise money for the local Children's Hospital.  The 2011 Torch Relay's 27 city tour began in Chicago, Illinois on Saturday, November 12, 2011 in Orlando, Florida. I felt so honored to share the day with Miss America Teresa Scanlan; Miss America's Outstanding Teen Elizabeth Fechtel; and Miss Florida Kristina Janolo. We had a great time meeting and taking photos with the participants of the day's events.
Dorathy Nevitt, Kristina Janolo, Elizabeth Fechtel, and Teresa Scanlan

Taking pictures at the finish line!

My absolute best friend and big sis: Kristina Janolo, Miss Florida 2011