Sunday, January 1, 2012

Florida Hospital for Children visit

Enrique; 2 years old.
 On Wednesday, December 28th, I handed out Love Letters, my comp cards, and fuzzy socks to 16 kids at the Florida Hospital for Children in Orlando. Even though we may live in Florida, the hospitals always seem to feel like winter weather all year round. The fuzzy socks were perfect! Not only to keep the children warm, but are fashionable too! The smiles brought to each child's face as I entered their room truly shows how the simplest things in life for us mean the world to them. It's hard to describe the impact that each child has made in my life, but is the reason I will never stop with my platform: Sharing Kindness with Precious Kids.
Christian is such a sweet boy!

Enrique and his parents were so thrilled!

She loved pink!

Megan, thank you for this wonderful opportunity.

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